PLC Link

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PLC Link

PLC Link is a software tool seamlessly integrated with MATLAB Simulink, enabling the automatic conversion of wind turbine control models established on the MATLAB platform into code compliant with the IEC 61131-3 standard and C language. This tool not only alleviates the manual coding burden for software development engineers, enhancing code-writing efficiency, but also ensures the accuracy and reliability of the converted code.


1. 将 Simulink 模型和 Stateflow 模块自动转化为程序,包含 C 语言、Codesys ST 语言、TwinCAT ST 语言

2. 基于 Simulink 模型和 Stateflow 模块,自动生成适用于 Flex5 和 Bladed 可用的 dll 文件

3. 将 Simulink 模型和 Stateflow 模块自动生成 Codesys 工程,可直接下载到控制器中



PLC Link 可以实现控制器与 MATLAB Simulink 模型间的实时数据通讯。

1. 支持协同仿真

2. PLC 硬件在环仿真

3. 在线调试及监测